Monday, March 14, 2011

Boeuf Bourguignon

It's a winner!
One main thing that this experiment is teaching me is that having the right tools to cook with is most important. This purple casserole/dutch oven is a main character. I got it for my birthday at Sams, $39. There's a bright red one at Target for $59. Purple is great.
This recipe uses red wine. Trying to buy wine caused great stress for this good Mormon girl! I was about to go into Sam's liquor department and buy a bottle... in BOULDER. I ended up going to Safeway and buying a bottle of cooking red wine. I had approximately 10 minutes from the time I got home to when I had to leave to take a daughter to the doctor's. I made everyone help do a part of this dish, popped it into the oven for 3 hours and off we went for a strep test.
Oh my holy heck! First your house smells this wafting aroma of beef, bacon, mushrooms, onions, and wine (I guess that's the smell I was smelling). Second, the taste was indescribable. Savory. Mouth watering. Tender. Get the picture? I served it up with french bread toasted with olive oil and hot buttered noodles. How can I ever make beef stew again without using this recipe?

1 comment:

  1. Part 2 of the cooking with Julia, Beef Bourguignon and it was amazing. It was beef stew on steroids, tasted heavenly thanks Sarah.
